On 04/23/2012 11:37 AM, Andy Grover wrote:
"wget --content-disposition https://github.com/$user/$project/tarball/$tag";

lets you download a tarball named $user-$project-$tag-0-$gitsha1.tar.gz.
That saves the maintainer from having to document how to generate the
tarball, in exchange for dealing with a tarball name that contains
random content (the sha1). The path of files in the tarball also
contains the sha1.

Even so, this still seems preferable to me than making packagers
generate the tarball each time and document the process, which seems
very prone to error.

Regards -- Andy

ps btw that wget w/o --content-disposition gets you a tarball named $tag.
pps I both package and maintain upstream code in github, guidelines on
the wiki would be great.

My problem is I'm wedded to spectool -g and it doesn't use --content-disposition. Would it be safe to have spectool always use that option?

Orion Poplawski
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