On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:
> Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>> Also, can the netinst.iso install from local media too?  A usb key for
>> example?  So you can use netinst.iso @ CD and install-dvd @ usbkey to
>> install if your box can boot from cd only ...
> Why do we have to complicate things so much instead of just stopping the
> creeping biggerism?

Even without minidebug info we already don't have enough space.
No office suite on the deskop spin; no translations on the kde spin  ....

We complicate things by insisting that a CD is the upper limit. Which
might have been true in the 90s but sure isn't in 2012.
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