Peter Jones wrote:

> On 05/31/2012 11:47 AM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> Is this all set in stone?
>> No. We've spent some time thinking about all of this and are happy that
>> we
>> can  implement it in the Fedora 18 timescale, but there's always the
>> possibility that we've missed something or that a new idea will come up.
>> If we can increase user freedom without making awful compromises
>> somewhere else then we'll do it.
> This, I believe, is Matthew's way of saying that this is not all set in
> stone, and that we'd encourage you to come up with better ideas because we
> don't like this all that much.

But why are you making this decision in the first place?

1. is a technical decision which affects the entirety of Fedora, and thus 
MUST go through a FESCo vote to be implemented, AND
2. affects the core values of Fedora, and thus MUST go through a Board vote 
to be implemented.

It is not acceptable that the kernel and GRUB maintainers are trying to 
sneak this in through the backdoor with no mandate whatsoever from our 
governance structure.

        Kevin Kofler

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