On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 2:08 PM, drago01 <drag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A new feature is being added nothing is getting removed so no there is
> no regression.

Thats newspeak if I ever saw any.

Going from a system which generally doesn't prompt users to reboot to
one that does is a regression.

> dbus is not optional. Not including it would mean throw out half of the 
> distro.
> And no idea what that has to do with systemd either.
> Randomly blame stuff does not help your point.

I was not "randomly blaming" I was copying from Richard Hughes
message.  He said these services need system reboots for upgrades.
"That isn't what we signed up for"

> I am not seeing any bad effects here ... I am seeing a feature
> proposal that tries to solve a problem that you dismiss as non
> existent while it is.

I haven't personally experienced problems with this but I trust that
there are problems.  Causing users to need to reboot for updates does
not solve the problem— it masks it.  And masking can be a fine
"solution" where its harmless, but it certainly isn't here.  The
reboot for upgrades stuff in windows is one of the most often cited
annoying anti-features, so it's understandable why people would throw
stones at something that looked like it was emulating it.
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