Le 10/07/2012 20:42, Toshio Kuratomi a écrit :
> Sorry about that -- it was easier for me to make these mass changes in the
> database than through the pkgdb application so no notifications went out.
> I know that the person who picked up the packages did so because he needed
> them for things he was working on rather than a special need to own the
> packages themselves, though -- if you'd like to switch owner/comaintainer
> roles he'd probably be more than willing.
> -Toshio

I'd rather have new co-maintainers sending an email or opening tickets
before being granted the commit bit.
That avoids potential misunderstandings or conflicting changes. :]
I'm more worried about werkzeug/flask - which i also use for some admin
web apps- consistent packaging than ownership.

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