Greetings everybody!

As you may have noticed, new ABRT 2.0.12 has recently been pushed to Fedora. Besides significant changes in reporting workflow, it also uses the ABRT server to collect what we call uReports (micro-reports).

uReport is a short (usually < 4kB) fingerprint of the crash, with no private information in it. It contains some basic data (package, architecture, kernel... NO hostname, NO username etc.), together with a debuginfo-less backtrace consisting of binary names, build-ids, function offsets, function names (if available) and some fingerprints helping in duplicate detection.

After uploading the uReport to ABRT server, the backtrace is completed - missing function names, source file names and line numbers are added. A clustering algorithm is ran periodically on the reports. It searches for similar uReports and groups them into "Problems". We divide these into two categories: 1) Hot problems: started appearing recently and happen often. Should be fixed ASAP. 2) Long-term problems: started appearing long time ago, they do not happen often, but they are still reported sometimes. There are no long-term problems yet, as there is some minimal age limit.

After receiving uReport, the server responds whether the problem is already know or not. In the case it is known, the reporting process stops and you can see both Bugzilla URL and ABRT Server URL. Otherwise standard BZ-reporting process continues.

You can browse reports and problems through the webUI

We believe this will help developers to better prioritize their work and make debugging easier (crashes in common libraries are grouped into a single problem, for each crash versions of affected packages/architectures are listed etc.).

Any feedback or RFEs are welcome [1]!
Michal & ABRT Team

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