On 10/22/2012 05:56 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:
On 10/18/2012 03:57 AM, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
I'd say the current behaviour is the quite bad, as it leads to different
results when building with fedpkg and rpmbuild on F18. The real fix
afaics would be to revert the change and, if wanted, define rhel as 0 in
Fedora's redhat-rpm-config, too -- but then we obviously need to fix all
%{!?rhel:foo} statements in current spec files.

Options? Spot, Simone?

Ignoring the fact that this behavior is explicitly what we document that
you should not do in a spec file, for precisely this reason...

There is currently no way to "undefine" a macro at the rpm commandline,

rpmbuild --define "xxxx %{nil}" ?

so barring rpm growing that support, setting %rhel to 0 is the only way
to address the original issue that I know of.

Couldn't you let pass koji --define "rhel %{nil}" or let
mock invoke rpmbuild --define "rhel %{nil}" ?

I am using a similar trick when building "other rpm-based-distros" src.rpms on Fedora.


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