
> I'm not sure that a separate 3d printing spin makes a lot of sense
Well, it makes for me.
Lot's of memebers of our group at university asks me: What Linux
distro should I grap for 3D printing?
If we have a 3D printing spin, I could point them directly to that.

> I'm wondering what sort of printers people have at the moment, since I
> believe that it would be very helpful for us to package known
> configurations for the slicer(s).
I am not sure, if this is going to work, from my point of view, the
slicing profiles are very machine and material specific. You can get a
very huge number of profiles.

Thanks for your offer to help.
Miro Hrončok

Jabber: m...@hroncok.cz
Telefon: +420777974800

2012/10/29 Tom Callaway <tcall...@redhat.com>:
> On 10/29/2012 01:59 PM, Miro Hrončok wrote:
>> At this point, I would like to gather people interested in 3D printing
>> and eventually create a 3D printing SIG.
>> Would anyone be interested and help me?
> I'm interested! I'm not sure that a separate 3d printing spin makes a
> lot of sense, but packaging these apps up and making sure they work well
> definitely does!
> I'm wondering what sort of printers people have at the moment, since I
> believe that it would be very helpful for us to package known
> configurations for the slicer(s).
> I don't currently have a 3d printer, but I hope to be remedying that soon!
> ~tom
> ==
> Fedora Project
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