Le dimanche 04 novembre 2012 à 13:19 -0500, Aleksandar Kurtakov a
écrit :
> The point is that such a measurement serves nothing but pissing off people.
> You need to track activity on packages - how long bugs stay open without 
> response 
> (note that this doesn't mean becoming accepted as one might be busy with 
> other 
> things), how long the package stay with open CVEs, what is the usual delay 
> for 
> getting to latest upstream, etc. Come up with strategy based on such 
> measurement 
> and you'll get packagers support for some automated actions against packages 
> (NOT 
> Measuring people activity means nothing as I think we want MORE people to 
> work with 
> us not less (even if they do it once in a year).
> P.S. The words in capital letters are such intentionally.

While I agree that this may make lose some contributions, on the other
hand, there is some team that have more aggressive pruning
( infrastructure team, for example ).

And keeping inactive accounts could cause issue for voting ( ie, if we
need for some reason to have a quorum of people ), and for sure could
increase the work for various sysadmin tasks in some specific case
( like if we need to contact all users to make them change their
password and check they did ).

Michael Scherer

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