On Wed, 2012-11-07 at 09:49 +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> You are still maintainer, you are still owner and you are notified by 
> email about every change in your package, so you'll be able to catch 
> such activity pretty soon and act accordingly.

To be the devil's advocate, you do get the email but most of the time
right after the commit the person will push an update which you're not
able to withdraw as you did not create it.
Plus sometime, people takes days off...

Yeah, changes can be reverted but epoch sucks!

I do like the idea of some kind of per-review. Either the official
maintainer approve the changes or say two other maintainers do.
But there should be at minimal some time between the change in the spec
and the build of the new package.

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