Adam Williamson wrote:
> It's not one of our supported upgrade mechanisms, and there appears to
> be no chance of that changing.

That's the whole problem. Why is our most reliable upgrade mechanism not 

> Please don't warm over that argument again.

Why not?

> The messaging and optics of saying 'yum is a supported upgrade mechanism,
> but just for F18 beta! We'll have a new mechanism for F18 final! Which
> won't have been tested much at all! And yum will be evil again! So use it
> now! But don't use it again ever!' really suck. Which is why no-one wants
> to do it.

Which is why we shouldn't do it. Instead, we should say that yum is the 
supported upgrade mechanism for F18 (postponing fedup to F19 or releasing it 
as a tech preview for F18 depending on how things go) and that it will 
remain a supported alternative in the future if it works out.

        Kevin Kofler

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