Adam Williamson wrote:
> They already aren't. Half the point of going to 1GB would be to include
> them.

There's no way LibreOffice is going to fit on the KDE spin with a 1 GiB 
target limit. We're already almost there no thanks to "Mini"DebugInfo. We'd 
need an even higher target size to fit LibreOffice.

> Look, Johann already pointed out, the relevant SIG for each spin owns
> the spin size. It's not a topic for devel@ kibbitzing and voting. I
> can't stop you posting +1s, but you're wasting your time if you're not a
> member of the relevant spin SIG. As seems to need pointing out so often,
> this isn't a democracy, it's a do-ocracy. You don't get anything done by
> posting indignant messages on mailing lists.

I *AM* a member of the KDE SIG and have de-facto maintained the KDE spin 
kickstart ever since Sebastian Vahl (the official maintainer) has stopped 
taking care of it. FESCo has clearly said that they don't care about our 
size target and that we must target a larger size if "Mini"DebugInfo blows 
the current target.

This is not a do-ocracy at all. It's design by committee.

        Kevin Kofler

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