On 15 November 2012 04:40, Orcan Ogetbil <oget.fed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A few months ago earlier in the F-17 release cycle, we had a problem
> with jackd turning verbose, flooding the stdout, even when its
> verbosity was turned off. This was a bug [1] in the compiler,
> specifically in the optimized builds, for which we filed a bug against
> upstream gcc [2]. As a workaround we rebuilt jack unoptimized, and we
> have been using the unoptimized build since.
> Late in September the issue got resolved in upstream gcc (see [2]).
> The fixed compiler version arrived at Fedora shortly. Therefore, I
> decided to rebuild jack optimized about 2 weeks ago. I rebuilt jack on
> my local box in a clean mock environment, and I tested it locally.
> There were no issues with verbosity. I submitted a build on koji and
> made a remark on [1] at comment #29. I checked the koji root.log [3]
> for the buildroot and I verified that it has the same gcc version
> 4.7.2-2.fc17 that my local mock build had (Not just the gcc, but all
> the core packages in root.log had the same versions with my local mock
> build).
> At this point, I made a mistake. Since no one complained in the bug
> report, I assumed that the issue was resolved and I pushed the update
> to stable after two weeks. Unfortunately, I just noticed that the
> verbosity issue persists in this koji build.
> I uploaded my local mock build results at [4]. The RPMs there do not
> have the verbosity issue. But I am out of ideas for what might be
> going wrong.
> The question is: what am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Orcan
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=827748
> [2] http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=53663
> [3] http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=362840
> [4] http://oget.fedorapeople.org/jack/

This isn't much help, but on a f18 install building the -12 spec I get
the verbosity bug and not with the -11 version (the one with -O0).

rpm -q gcc glibc

(vs gcc-4.7.2-2.fc17.x86_64, it was built a few days after)

And the same with recent updates:
(gcc built 2012-11-09)

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