I'm here asking advice. PackageKit used to ship subpackages of
PackageKit-glib, PackageKit-glib-devel, PackageKit-qt, and
PackageKit-qt-devel amoung others.

Upstream PackageKit-Qt has been split out into another separate
project as it had different API and ABI promises to PackageKit-glib
and it was being maintained by another team who wanted to use the
cmake build system.

The only application in Fedora that requires PackageKit-qt is apper,
the package manager we ship in the KDE spin.

Now, to avoid breaking apper, and the KDE spin, I've tried to be a
nice maintainer and done a package review for the new package (package
review most welcome):

I've also done a new PackageKit release in rawhide with the
PackageKit-qt bits removed.

So, I need a plan of action and a list of things to provide and
obsolete in each of the PackageKit.spec, PackageKit-Qt.spec and what
to require in apper.

So far, what I'm thinking is that I should have in PackageKit.spec:

Obsoletes: PackageKit-qt < %{version}-%{release}

and in PackageKit-Qt.spec I should have:

Provides: PackageKit-qt

and then as a belt-and-braces fix also switch apper.spec to
BuildRequiring PackageKit-Qt-devel rather than PackageKit-qt-devel.

Sanity check most appreciated, thanks.

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