On Mon, 2012-11-26 at 14:08 -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-11-22 at 17:51 +0100, Nils Philippsen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > as nmcli doesn't yet offer all functionality s-c-network-tui had for
> > configuring networks on the command line, I want to resurrect
> > system-config-network for the time being, i.e. until nmcli (or other
> > tools) fill the gaps. I plan to rip out or otherwise disable the GUI
> > side, and merge the -tui subpackage back into the main package.
> Whats the functionality that you are missing ?

We've had a number of requests for the pseudo-graphical hand-holding
network configuration editing functionality of system-config-tui in the
past few years.  That's what nmcli is missing right now.

The plan of record for F19 (though not yet in a Feature Page) is to
enhance nmcli to provide most of this functionality, but we won't be
doing that with ncurses the way system-config-tui does.  I'd expect this
new feature to replace most all of the use-cases that system-config-tui
is useful for, so perhaps we should shelve this for another month or two
until we have a better idea of when the nmcli stuff will land?


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