On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Jon Masters <j...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 12/05/2012 02:39 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:
>> I can't make the meeting. It conflicts with the Board meeting.
>>> Current items on the agenda:
>>> 1) Current Problem packages
>>> 2) F18 ARM VFAD - additional feedback, blockers?
>>> 3) Ownership of non-release blocking images (Beagleboard XM, etc)
>> Who decided this was a non blocker? It was my understanding it was a
>> blocker. It was supported in F17 and it was discussed that it wasn't a
>> blocker for alpha.
> Paul is going to start a thread specifically on some of these additional
> targets, seeking volunteers to support them. I could go either way on
> the BB-XM. It's not too much hassle to test but it's also yet another
> target and so far there don't seem to be people yelling yet.

I've had a number of people complain directly to me.  I'm disappointed
when we've discussed this as a group previously as a worthwhile thing
for us to support and then a single decision seems to have been made
behind the scenes to drop it.

>>> 4) aarch64 update
>>> 5) Your topic hereh
>> koji updates. I've still not heard any progress on the repos issues. A
>> ticket was filed in the tracker.
> Hopefully we will get an update. It seems rebuilding some of the repos,
> in tandem with the hdf5 soname bump rebuild somewhere along the lines
> has resulted in a buildroot with a working compiler for netcdf. I can't
> reproduce the problems we had with that in either a local v5 or v7, or a
> mock v5 or v7, and a scratch build succeeded earlier as well of the -3
> release, which is what we need to end up with anyway.

That appears to be a separate discussion to the issue I've mentioned
above, is it? I'm not sure how it links to the koji issues, can you
explain more.

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