On Dec 20, 2012, at 10:50 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> Am 20.12.2012 18:40, schrieb Nicolas Mailhot:
>> Le Mer 19 décembre 2012 20:46, Reindl Harald a écrit :
>>> the point is that optional features should never be a hard
>>> dependency - as example the colord crap pulls X11 deps on
>>> servers because you install Imagemagick which is a COMMANDLINE
>>> tool in the first front
>> That only means the GUI parts of colord should be dissociated from the CLI
>> bits, since if you're installing imagemagick you're manipulating images
>> which does need correct colorspace handling even if image display is
>> deferred to somewhere else
> in fact i install php-pecl-imagemagick
> there was no colord before, there does not need to be colord now

Imagemagick can do color space transforms with or without a GUI. Those 
transforms need profiles. And there is no single standard location for where 
color profiles belong, especially as they can be user specific. Something that 
reports back to a program like imagemagick what profiles are available, where 
they are located, and which one is set as a user specified default, is a 
reasonable dependency for a program like Imagemagick.

Is it reasonable for me to complain about some program that has a libtiff 
dependency if I say it didn't depend on libtiff before, I don't use TIFF, 
therefore there should be no dependency now? Of course not.

Chris Murphy
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