On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:23 AM, Felix Miata <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> On 2013-01-03 16:51 (GMT-0700) Chris Murphy composed:
>> On 2013-01-03 17:00 (GMT-0500), Mairin Duffy composed:
>>> It should be hidden for final releases, but not for testing and
>>> development releases. You may have upgraded from a beta or test
>>> release, in which case your grub config file allowing it to be active
>>> carried over when you upgraded to final.
>> Nope. I just downloaded F17 and F16 live CD's, x86_64 and installed each
>> to new clean virtual disks. I get GRUB menu after reboot in both cases.
> I have a fuzzy recollection matching the docs that Grub location had
> something to do with it, at least before Grub2. IOW, on a _system_ with only
> a single Fedora installation and nothing else, there's no need for a boot
> menu. With multiboot however, most people expect a choice of what to boot
> without having to take any special action to be able to make a selection, so
> get menu by default unless Grub is installed to a partition instead of MBR.
> Maybe a virtual disk installation is somehow categorized as multiboot by the
> F18 installer in configuring the Grub2 menu?

No we never implemented that with GRUB2 just read the bug.
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