Hello All.

2013/1/16 Josh Boyer <jwbo...@gmail.com>:

> I'm kind of concerned about this one.  The Feature page seems to be more
> of an announcement that the application is packaged than anything else.
> It was last updated back in August, and it is still at 0%.  While we
> might debate the usefulness of percentages, it's hard to misinterpret 0.

I'll update it. I've got a working RPM right now but there are 3
bundled libraries:

* parsexml (not used by anyone else)
* ranch (quite popular Erlang TCP connection pool library, should be
splitted off)
* cowboy (small, fast, modular HTTP server written in Erlang)
* mimetypes (Erlang MIME types library).

Regarding problematic stuff - it contains an Erlang binding to ffmpeg
(which should be removed and used as a transcoding solution if
transcoding is requested by user) and an Erlang mmap library with lost
attribution (I'm working on replacing it with erlang-emmap).

It fully supports RTSP ( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2326 ) and
RTMP (proprietary,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Messaging_Protocol )

> There isn't even a package review ticket for the package, nor either of
> the two packages it depends on.  To be honest, I'm not sure how this was
> considered ready for review.

I'll update it in a couple of days. So far I've got this (somewhat
outdated) package for those who is interested:

* http://peter.fedorapeople.org/erlyvideo/erlyvideo-2.5.3-1.fc19.src.rpm

With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.
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