On 01/25/2013 09:42 PM, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:

Hi -

jonathan.underwood wrote:

With the more fine grained texlive packaging in F>18 where tex(latex) is
provided by texlive-collection-latex I am finding that this is insufficient to
build most documents. I see two options in these cases:

1) Add BuildRequires; texlive-collection-latexextra  (nb.
texlive-collection-latexrecommended isn't usually sufficient)

2) Generate a list of specific style files [...]
and turn this into a list of specific BuildRequires: tex(foo.sty) lines.

What do folks think?

FWIW, we didn't enjoy finding the magic tex(XXX) buildreq's to build
systemtap docs during %build; not sure how confident we can be that
they'll stay valid.  (1) sounds good to me.

- FChE

The magic something(something_else) should still work. At least languages like Java, Perl, Ruby are using it. If it's not working, then it's a bug.

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