On 11 February 2013 07:15, Casey Dahlin <cdah...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 09, 2013 at 11:34:34AM +0000, Ian Malone wrote:
>> Gnome 2 slowly returned to the old behaviour in many ways. Gnome 3 is
>> starting to do this.
> As someone who, I presume, does not like Gnome 3, and as someone who, I will
> wildly guess, shares the notion that GNOME devs are doing whatever they want
> and not listening to your use cases...
> ...are you certain...
> ...absolutely certain...
> ...that you'd like to be on record setting the precedent that GNOME 3 is
> admitting failure by compromising to your standards?

On record? Is there going to be a trial?
What frustrates me is it's such an uphill battle.
Step 1: Everything changes.
Step 2: Users protest, some leave.
Step 3: Supporters respond there's nothing wrong and essentially
everyone who doesn't like it is too stupid or lazy.
Step 4: Users carry on complaining.
Step 5: Some features are gradually re-added, without ever
acknowledging there was a problem in the first place.
Step 6: Minor release? Go to step 4.
Step 7: Major release? Go to step 5.

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