Le mardi 12 février 2013 à 11:08 +0100, Simone Caronni a écrit :
> Hello,
> The situation is already much better:
> rpmdev-newinit
> rpmdev-newspec
> cpanspec
> Examples:
> $ rpmdev-newspec -m -r 4.5 -o package.spec
> Generates a spec file with all the tags required for RHEL 5 systems; while
> the following:
> $ rpmdev-newspec -m -o package.spec
> Generates a spec file with all the tags required for RHEL 6 and Fedora
> systems.
> You can experiment with -r for the various rpm versions and there's also
> some logic in the command to generate the correct %post and %postun
> sections if the spec file has "libs" in its name. The same goes for python,
> etc.
> For perl; you can use cpanspec:
> $ cpanspec -m Math-Polygon-Tree
> This super handy tool generates a spec file that already includes license,
> description, version, etc. all generated from CPAN; with the "-o" switch
> you can also generate for older RHEL/Fedora releases.
> For RHEL SysV init scripts use:
> $ rpmdev-newinit -o package.init
> The various init scripts and rpm spec files do follow of course the package
> guidelines.
You're right but rpmdev-newspec is provided by rpmdevtools, and
rpmdev-newspec create new spec based on spectemplate already present in

  $ rpm -qf /usr/bin/rpmdev-newspec
  $ rpm -ql rpmdevtools-8.3-1.fc18.noarch|grep spectemplate

My spectemplate is just to package D programs, I would like to include
it in rpmdevtools then rpmdev-newpec will be able to use it.

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