On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Jochen Schmitt <joc...@herr-schmitt.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> as an provenpackage I have introduced an upstream patch to Emacs
> and have create an update in bodhi. After ten days I have to recognize,
> that I'm unable to push this update to the stable repository because there
> is no 'mark as stable' link on the UI. So I have ask the owner of the
> package for help.
> He explained me, that he also unable to push the package to the
> stable repository and told me, that this package is in crithpath
> and may improvement of an proventester.
> So, I would like to ask, want we have to do to getting the
> package into the stable repository.

Wait 4 more days or get 2 more karma.  IIRC, critpath updates have to
wait for 2 weeks before they can be pushed if they do not have sufficient

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