On Tue, 2013-04-02 at 15:31 -0400, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

> When python3 is installed then, with both projects, Cmake finds Python
> 3. 

This seems like either a bug in Cmake or your project (not sure which) -
if it's possible to explicitly specify that you want Python 2, then you
should be doing so.  Likewise, if a project wants Python 3, you should
also explicitly say so, at least in the build configuration (spec file,
bitbake recipe, debian/rules etc.).

Basically while it's sometimes sane for a component to auto-detect from
the environment which Python to use, you should generally configure it
explicitly to use whichever one you want.

See also:

Where the conclusion for GNOME was that modules should accept
--with-python to specify exactly which Python they want.  See also
which is accomplishing this in a slightly different way.

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