> /etc/kernel/postinst.d/* scripts are called by new-kernel-pkg, which is called
> in the kernel.spec, when you install a kernel.
> new-kernel-pkg uses grubby to generate a grub config.
> grub2-mkconfig destroys anything grubby has setup.
> Well, we could patch grub2-mkconfig to recognize the rescue image, but we 
> should
> better concentrate to make grub2-mkconfig obsolete and integrate the 
> bootloader
> spec.
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/BootLoaderSpec

grub2-mkconfig should be patched, too.  Implementing the BooLoaderSpec
just might encounter problems in practice, like every other attempt
for the past 20 years to create a grand unified boot loader that
correctly understands all existing OS and hardware configurations.


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