On 19/04/13 01:50 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
Once upon a time, Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net> said:
The system is a Zotac Zbox nano AD10.  I downloaded the image from the
above URL and put it on an SD card and did a UEFI boot.  I don't have
anything current on the drive, so I chose not to preserve anything.  I
tried a minimal install; no problems up to the bootloader, which gave me
an "unknown error".

I had time to try this again (if it still matters).  When installing the
bootloader failed, I switched over to a console and poked around.  I do
see this in the /tmp/anaconda-tb-xxx file (I assume this is the

20:27:54,549 WARNING kernel:[ 2404.617141] efivars: set_variable() failed: 

This is with the Alpha-TC5 netinst boot image (installer kernel
3.9.0-0.rc4.git10.1.fc19.x86_64), using a local mirror of current
development/19 and updates/testing/19.

I am running the latest BIOS on my Zbox.

Hi, Chris. Testing should be with RC3 or RC4 - I'm still interested in the results, though we signed off on Alpha already. Thanks!

There are still likely to be some failures even with RC4 (bronze): https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=949786#c28 explains why, and why we're not holding Alpha any longer.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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