On 23. 5. 2013 at 13:33:37, Simone Caronni wrote:
> Hello,
> On 22 May 2013 23:18, Richard W.M. Jones <rjo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > (10) Get rid of multilib, /usr/lib64 etc and copy what Debian/Ubuntu
> > are doing.
> might I ask the reasoning behind this? I found the current RHEL/Fedora
> approach much better.
> For example; at work we use IBM Lotus Notes, which is a 32 bit package. To
> install it in a 32 bit or 64 bit environment the command is the same (i.e.
> yum localinstall) as it will pull in the correct 32 bit dependencies.
> Basically hassle free.
> The guys that run Debian/Ubuntu notebooks, have to go through a series of
> dependency problems just to install the package in a 64 bit environment
> with getlibs and the like:

+1 for this, the dependency hell for 32 bit applications is really a major 
pain in the new versions of Ubuntu. I have dealt with that multiple times and 
I wasn't able to resolve all the problems (e.g. Google Earth still doesn't 
work on Ubuntu for me)
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