On 23. 5. 2013 at 10:53:10, Stijn Hoop wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like better integration with domain-specific package managers.
> By which I mean npm (for node.js), gem (for ruby), pip (for python),
> cpan (for perl), pecl/pear (for PHP), CRAN (for R), CTAN (for TeX), and
> many more I'm sure.

The problem is that some of these languages have fundamentally different 
philosophy than Fedora and unfortunatelly it's not a mix-and-match situation. 
That being said, there already are different tools to create spec files from 
those upstream representations (gem2spec, cpan2spec, ...)

> By integrating RPM with these package managers, I feel it would be
> possible to provide a consistent view of the system, as well as a
> consistent management interface for sysadmins as opposed to application
> developers. The latter I might expect to continue to use the domain
> specific package managers, simply because they add value to domain
> experts -- but for the common usecase "install this app on the server"
> it would be nice to use RPM only.
> Another advantage that I see is that it saves Fedora packager manpower
> -- if the "translation" is good enough, it should be possible to work
> with upstream packages and simply automate the fedora rpm process as
> much as possible. Current examples are R2spec and the TeXLive package
> scripts.

You can't really do this because of all the Fedora packaging policies. It 
might be feasible in some private repositories though.

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