On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> So removing the binary journal has huge downsides.

I don't dispute that removing it would have a downside.  I might
dispute that the downside is "huge", but for now I'll let that pass.

> The need for
> /var/log/messages filters down to wanting to use less or shell
> built-ins to read the data, which is a valid usecase, but not
> worth the overhead in 99% of cases.

But it's what people actually use in 99.9% of cases.  99.9% of the
time I don't need the extra information in the binary journal.  Making
/var/log/messages unavailable by default has a huge down side.

If we go to having only binary logs by default, maybe we should also
go to having only binary configuration files by default.  It's
basically the same arguments: there's more information available; it's
easier for software to parse; it can be made more reliable; special
tools are OK and people don't really need to open it in a text editor.
 We've seen how well that works on Windows.  Blech.

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