The following packages are orphaned or did not build for two
releases and will be retired when Fedora (F20) is branched, unless someone
adopts them. If you know for sure that the package should be retired, please do
so now with a proper reason:

According to branching will
occur not earlier than 2013-08-20. The packages will be retired shortly before.

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one.

              Package                            (co)maintainers            
PyOpenGL                              orphan                                
bluecove                              orphan                                
bunny                                 orphan                                
cal3d                                 orphan                                
cpptasks                              orphan                                
dayplanner                            orphan, rakesh                        
drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts   orphan, fonts-sig                     
examiner                              orphan                                
firmware-extract                      orphan, mebrown, praveenp             
firstboot                             orphan, msivak, mgracik, clumens, bcl 
gkrellm-timestamp                     orphan                                
gnaural                               orphan                                
justmoon                              orphan, mmahut                        
lybniz                                orphan                                
manaplus                              orphan                                
mars-sim                              orphan, mmahut                        
openstack-tempo                       orphan, vaneldik, josecastroleon,     
osgal                                 orphan                                
python-durus                          orphan                                
python3-cherrypy                      orphan                                
txt2rss                               orphan                                
zanata-python-client                  orphan, seanf, jamesni, dchen,        

The following packages require above mentioned orphaned/FTBS packages:
Depending on: PyOpenGL
        cura (maintained by: churchyard)
                cura requires PyOpenGL = 3.0.1-7.fc20

        impressive (maintained by: mjg)
                impressive requires PyOpenGL = 3.0.1-7.fc20

        pipviewer (maintained by: fab)
                pipviewer requires PyOpenGL = 3.0.1-7.fc20

        pycam (maintained by: zultron)
                pycam requires PyOpenGL = 3.0.1-7.fc20

        pygtkglext (maintained by: jwrdegoede, turki)
                pygtkglext requires PyOpenGL = 3.0.1-7.fc20

        qmforge (maintained by: jussilehtola)
                qmforge requires PyOpenGL = 3.0.1-7.fc20

Depending on: cpptasks
        gluegen (maintained by: limb, teseu)
                gluegen requires cpptasks = 1.0b5-9.fc19

        gluegen2 (maintained by: davidcl, davidcl)
                gluegen2 requires cpptasks = 1.0b5-9.fc19
                gluegen2-devel requires cpptasks = 1.0b5-9.fc19

        jogl (maintained by: limb, davidcl)
                jogl requires cpptasks = 1.0b5-9.fc19

        jogl2 (maintained by: davidcl, java-sig)
                jogl2 requires gluegen2 = 2.0-0.9.rc12.fc20
                jogl2 requires gluegen2-devel = 2.0-0.9.rc12.fc20

        scilab (maintained by: davidcl)
                scilab requires jogl2 = 2.0-0.9.rc11.fc20
                scilab requires jogl2 = 2.0-0.9.rc11.fc20

        scirenderer (maintained by: davidcl, java-sig)
                scirenderer requires jogl2 = 2.0-0.9.rc11.fc20
                scirenderer requires jogl2 = 2.0-0.9.rc11.fc20

Depending on: manaplus
        tmw (maintained by: mgieseki)
                tmw requires manaplus =

        tmw-music (maintained by: mgieseki)
                tmw-music requires tmw = 20130201-2.fc20

Affected (co)maintainers
bcl: firstboot
churchyard: PyOpenGL
clumens: firstboot
davidcl: cpptasks
dchen: zanata-python-client
fab: PyOpenGL
fonts-sig: drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts
jamesni: zanata-python-client
java-sig: cpptasks
josecastroleon: openstack-tempo
jussilehtola: PyOpenGL
jwrdegoede: PyOpenGL
limb: cpptasks
markmc: openstack-tempo
mebrown: firmware-extract
mgieseki: manaplus
mgracik: firstboot
mjg: PyOpenGL
mmahut: justmoon, mars-sim
msivak: firstboot
petersen: zanata-python-client
praveenp: firmware-extract
rakesh: dayplanner
seanf: zanata-python-client
teseu: cpptasks
turki: PyOpenGL
vaneldik: openstack-tempo
zultron: PyOpenGL

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Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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