On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Dan Mashal <dan.mas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It will be dedicated in the release announcement.  Perhaps someone
>> might add something to the download page on the website as well.
> Hi Josh,
> Thanks for replying.
> I personally LOVE release names. However, I feel that we should forego
> it this one release.
> What is the point of the board of the community decides everything?

To ensure that the community gets to decided anything for starters.
That's a much broader topic though, and I'll stick to the release name
stuff in my reply.

> We all know that there needs to be a tough decision made by the board,
> and it's not release names vs no release names. For me it's about
> doing what Seth would have wanted, whether he was close to us or not,
> whether he he touched us or knew us or cared about personally.
> Please seriously consider the following and have a BOARD vote on it:

We consider it.  It was decided against.  The names in the vote are
the possibilities going forward.  I personally would love to have no
release names (ever), but we're beyond that point now.

I do not foresee further emails changing that, so while feedback is
welcome for future releases I don't want people to get the expectation
that it will change for F20.

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