On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 02:28:23PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-08-23 at 23:15 +0200, Michael Scherer wrote:
> So anyway - I think we need some best practice on this. We definitely
> need a 'if you absolutely must change a directory into a symlink (or a
> file, or the same operations in the other direction), here's how you do
> it' snippet set. If folks could chip in with thoughts on misc's approach
> to doing this, that'd be great: Panu, do you see any problems? Know a
> better way? I tried the giant-lump-of-lua from
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/rpm/+bug/633636/comments/3 , but it throws a
> bunch of warnings when cleanup of the *old* package tries to remove all
> the files that are now no longer there, which is bad, and misc thinks
> it's bad in other ways, I believe. There are various other attempts to
> do this kind of operation spread through various packages in Fedora and
> out - moodle has some, for instance, xmvn has one, there are others I
> think that I don't have to hand right now.
+1 I was going to see if limburgher would push his recipe into an FPC
guideline but it seems that that method no longer works reliably.  it'll be
interesting to hear what Panu says here but I think the FPC could live with
the caveats if it had to.

> And, T.C., we probably need the Web Assets policy to set some
> rules/guidelines on how best to achieve unbundling: should we always try
> to patch the upstream to find the 'official' location of the shared
> resource on Fedora? Should we always do it with symlinks or aliases
> where possible? Should we allow either approach depending on
> circumstances?
One further thought here:

Taking a static library approach is also allowed.  This can save packagers
from some of the headaches you mentioned (like some things detecting the
absolute path to libraries) but introduces the static libraries headaches
(having to rebuild when the library package updates in order to get the
changes that occurred there.)  Not sure if we want to recommend that just to
get around the directory->symlink issue but it is an option.


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