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#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-11-20)

Meeting started by sgallagh at 17:59:37 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
- ---------------
* init process  (sgallagh, 17:59:47)

* #1193 reboots for all updates -- are we ready for this?  (sgallagh,
  * ACTION: mattdm to contact the Change owner to update the wiki page
    and release notes  (sgallagh, 18:04:29)

* #1185 Enable "-Werror=format-security" by default  (sgallagh,
  * 400 packages fail rebuild  (mattdm, 18:06:56)
  * AGREED: 1) wait a week for devel feedback (from people already
    interested); 2) if there are no show-stoppers identified, mass file
    bugs; 3) 3 weeks later, enable in rawhide configuration by default
    (+8, 0, -0)  (sgallagh, 18:14:50)
  * AGREED: Please file a Change page for this. (+7, 0, 0)  (sgallagh,

* #1198 Possible changes to Fedora EOL bug procedure  (sgallagh,
  * AGREED: Ask the Bugzilla administrators to implement the
    reopen-and-re-version request (+8, 0, -0)  (sgallagh, 18:20:21)

* #1140 F20 Self Contained Changes - week 2013-07-10 - 2013-07-17
  (sgallagh, 18:20:52)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Java8TechPreview and
    "ibus-gnome3 is provided in a ibus subpackage as a technology
    preview for Fedora 16." are some older examples.  (nirik, 18:26:07)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1024144   (adamw,
  * LINK:

    is a quick sesarch i just came up with for anaconda, blivet and lvm
    bugs with 'thin' in the summary  (adamw, 18:46:38)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Java8TechPreview
    (mattdm, 18:46:45)
  * AGREED: leave the decision of whether to hide or fix thinp to
    anaconda.  We're also okay with QA's interpretation of the criteria
    which may lead to release slippage if some thinp bugs are considered
    blockers (+7, 0 -0)  (sgallagh, 18:52:07)

* #1205 Workstation WG governance charter  (sgallagh, 18:52:28)
  * AGREED: Workstation Governance Document is approved (+9, 0, -0)
    (sgallagh, 18:54:51)

* #1203 Soft dependencies  (sgallagh, 18:57:27)
  * AGREED: FESCo would be OK with some implementations of soft
    dependencies. To get a more clear ACK or NAK, come up with an
    implementation design (+7, 0, -1)  (sgallagh, 19:08:57)

* #1202 Release and Support lifecycle questions  (sgallagh, 19:09:04)
  * AGREED: If working groups want to use different cycles, they should
    provide us with what they want to do with rationale along with the
    PRD.  They should be aware that even if we can okay the plan, it is
    unlikely to be implementable for one or more releases. Please do not
    make your PRD depend on an alternate release lifecycle. (+7, 0, -1)
    (sgallagh, 19:38:14)

* #1206 Allowed licenses in Copr  (sgallagh, 19:39:07)
  * AGREED: COPR projects must use approved Fedora licenses for now (+6,
    0, -1)  (sgallagh, 19:46:38)

* #1204 F21 System Wide Change: Python 3.4
  -https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4  (sgallagh,
  * AGREED: Python 3.4 Change is approved (+8, 0, -0)  (sgallagh,

* #1201 Enabling third party repositories  (sgallagh, 19:50:20)
  * AGREED: Defer to the next FESCo meeting and ask further questions in
    the ticket for clarification.  (sgallagh, 19:58:43)

* Next week's chair  (sgallagh, 19:58:49)
  * mmaslano to chair the next meeting  (sgallagh, 19:59:28)

* Open Floor  (sgallagh, 20:00:51)

Meeting ended at 20:03:21 UTC.

Action Items
- ------------
* mattdm to contact the Change owner to update the wiki page and release

Action Items, by person
- -----------------------
* mattdm
  * mattdm to contact the Change owner to update the wiki page and
    release notes
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
- ---------------------------
* sgallagh (187)
* nirik (87)
* abadger1999 (82)
* mitr (71)
* mattdm (70)
* pjones (63)
* notting (50)
* t8m (41)
* adamw (32)
* mmaslano (26)
* jreznik (22)
* jwb (19)
* zodbot (17)
* Viking-Ice (12)
* dlehman (8)
* kparal (5)
* drago01 (3)
* iThinkDev (3)

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