On 24.11.2013 21:52, Michael Schwendt wrote:
On Sun, 24 Nov 2013 16:50:51 +0100, Sandro Mani wrote:


I wondered what the reason is that debuginfo packages seem to enter the
repos only at the successive push compared to the regular packages,
which ultimately means that debuginfo packages are available in updates
ca 1 day after the regular packages.
Where did you observe this? On a mirror or on the Fedora Project download
I am running rawhide and it always happens that updates come one day, and the corresponding debuginfo packages the next day. Actually I'm not sure if this is the case also in stable releases, but I though that was why the debuginfo symbols in various abrt bugs were mismatching. However, I didn't realize that the debuginfo packages were only updated via yum and not via PackageKit (as Michael mentioned before in this thread), so that is probably the more likely cause.

As far as the mirror is concerned: just using the mirror which yum picks for me, so I guess the answer is: pretty much any mirror.

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