#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-03-04)

Meeting started by mmaslano_ at 13:00:45 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (mmaslano_, 13:01:01)

* additional repository - Playground requirements  (mmaslano, 13:03:05)
  * how do updates work (rolling? bodhi? Will we constantly be
    regenerating the repodata [like the rawhide build repo?])
    (mmaslano, 13:07:16)
  * rolling + constantly regenerating repodata  (mmaslano, 13:10:26)
  * one repo per Fedora release + arch  (tjanez, 13:11:14)
  * daily push  (mmaslano, 13:12:25)
  * no bodhi yet  (mmaslano, 13:14:02)
  * Do we trust this person to keep the repo up to date and address
    serious bugs/security issues.  (mmaslano, 13:20:50)
  * we could always have the fedora-playground-release package
    "Obsoletes: badapp-$version"  (mmaslano, 13:29:09)
  * is there a testing repo?  (mmaslano, 13:42:12)
  * testing repo - not needed, testing are coprs  (mmaslano, 13:43:07)
  * The repo will attempt to do automatic package review, falling back
    to human intervention on known trouble cases such as Obsoletes.
    (tjanez, 14:02:13)
  * ACTION: tjanez will add comments from our today's meeting to Open
    Questions  (mmaslano, 14:09:55)

Meeting ended at 14:16:56 UTC.

Action Items
* tjanez will add comments from our today's meeting to Open Questions

Action Items, by person
* tjanez
  * tjanez will add comments from our today's meeting to Open Questions
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* sgallagh (99)
* mmaslano (72)
* juhp (47)
* tjanez (44)
* hhorak (21)
* sochotni (11)
* bkabrda1 (10)
* pingou (9)
* zodbot (6)
* mmaslano_ (4)
* pkovar (2)
* rwmjones (1)
* bkabrda (0)
* samkottler (0)
* abadger1999 (0)
* drieden (0)

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