On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 19:07 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 13:38 -0700, Dan Mashal wrote:
> > You always make sense. But nobody listens.
> > 
> > Who the hell wants to install Gnome to install MATE or KDE or XFCE?
> Nobody, it's madness.

I think this is rather overstating the case. I certainly don't think
(and I already wrote) that it's enough to make everyone happy, but I
think it actually is what some people want. Quite a lot of people
install Ubuntu, for instance, and then add on GNOME or KDE or something
as a secondary environment to play around with: they want to have the
'standard product' installed, and another desktop available as a kind of
alternative on top of that, or they just want to make sure they have all
the 'standard' bits installed under/alongside their chosen desktop in
case anything else is expecting them (the "platform" approach).

Saying that "nobody" wants this, it's "madness", "totally wacky",
"almost all users are NOT going to put up with this" is going rather too
far. I think it's entirely worth the Desktop product making this
possible and I suspect quite a lot of people will use it, but I don't
think it's sufficient grounds for downgrading the spins too far in
importance or dropping them.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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