On 04/16/2014 06:43 PM, Tomasz Torcz wrote:
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:32:02PM -0400, Simo Sorce wrote:
I think what you are describing could be probably realized with SELinux
today, just with a special setroubleshoot frontend that catches the AVC
when the service tries to listen and ask the user if he wants to allow

However this would still not be completely sufficient as you completely
lack any context about what network you are operating on.

The firewall's purpose is to block access to local services on bad
networks too, it is not a binary open/close equation when you have
machines (laptops) that roam across a variety of networks.


Nothing worse then asking Users Security related questions about opening
firewall ports.
Users will just answer yes, whether or not they are being hacked.

firefox wants to listen on port 9900 in order to see this page, OK?

Which is not what I proposed Dan.

I in fact said we should *NOT* ask per application.

What we should ask is one single question, upon connecting to an unknown
network: "Is this network trusted ?"

If yes you open up to the local network. If no you keep ports not
accessible on that network.

   But firewalld currently lacks flexibility to express this fully.
Firewalld only classifies ”whole” interfaces, which breaks badly in
many situations.  Consider following scenario:  VM with single
network interface.  This single interface has RFC1918 IPv4 address AND
globally accesible IPv6 address.  How it should be described
in firewalld?

firewalld supports to have rules for IPv4 and/or IPv6.

   – for any IPv4 incoming connection, this interface is in ”trusted” (”home”?
     I never know what home/work/dmz/etc really mean)
You can full customize all zones. This is the reason there is no simple description for each zone.

   – for IPv6 incoming connection from 2001:6a0:138:1::/64 subnet, the zone
     is still ”trusted”
   – for any other incoming connection the zone is ”public” (I hope this
     means ”general Internet”).

   Above is trivial in iptables, but impossible with firewalld's zones.

firewalld also has the ability to bind zones to source addresses and address ranges. This might help here.

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