On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:48:47AM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> why do whe have that always with libreoffice?

I will send a note to the editors of Oxford English Dictionary that
"always" has been redefined to mean "in less than 10 % of cases". If I
count correctly, we have issued 26 updates for F-20 that made it into
stable (plus a few others that were obsoleted by a later one). One of
these had a problem. Now there is a second one.

> the broken build hangs around for 30 hours in the repo

Good. Since you are so concerned about it, what have you done to make me
aware of the problem? Hint: I consider the mails from various Fedora
tools as nonessential, to be read when I have time. But there are other
ways, more suitable for urgent problems, like IRC...

Btw, 30 hours is not so much, considering that it takes f*ing 14 hours
just to build new packages because of ARM...

> the supposed to fix that one is not pushed

got +2 karma and passed AutoQA. Whatever has happened after that is
hardly my fault.

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