Am 22.06.2014 08:18, schrieb Tim Lauridsen:
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Rahul Sundaram < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Is there anyone working on a protected packages plugin for Dnf?  In the 
> past, it has helped users avoid
>     trashing their systems due to bugs in package-cleanup and so on.  So it 
> is not just the command line users of
>     the direct tools we need to be concerned about.
> Don't think so, Don't even remember if anyone has even made an RFE for such a 
> plugin, if not somebody should
> proberly make one :)

the DNF developes don't care

however, that is something for QA/Fesco to not allow
replace YUM as long there are such regressions and
from the users point of view it's a rgeression:

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