Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Some confusion here trying to use Fedora's Qt 5 packages, and it seems
> they cannot be use quickly.

Depends on the build system you (or the upstream project you're packaging) 
* CMake: just works
* qmake: call qmake-qt5 and it'll find all the rest just fine
* qbs: hopefully just works too, but not tested by me yet
* anything else: see below

> I couldn't find a helper script to make them available in path again.
> It looks like one could simply prepend
>   /usr/lib64/qt5/bin
> to $PATH to make available the executables, which are renamed to avoid
> conflicts with other Qt versions.

There you have your "wrapper script":
export PATH="%{_qt5_bindir}:$PATH"

IMHO, it doesn't make sense to install a one-line script, one that would 
also have to be sourced rather than run normally.

In addition, as Rex Dieter said, the upstream project's build setup should 
be fixed to look for the binaries with -qt5 suffixes in the long run.

        Kevin Kofler

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