On 11/25/2014 11:05 AM, P J P wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 10:00 PM, Gabriel Ramirez wrote:
I have a server which only runs several VM's with specific services,  no
need user accounts in the host or in the VM's,

so you propose when I reiinstall any of them create a user account in
each of them, that will cause boot the first time change to permit root
login and delete the *forced* user account

and the server is hosted remotely, so if anything is wrong with it I can
only access via ssh so this *feature change* is no simple,

   True, it is complex.

Maybe we could have an option in firstboot(and other such places) by which user 
can override the default non-root account creation. Ie. Say a user is prompted 
to create non-root user account; He/she can choose to override it and not 
create one. In such workflow, he/she is warned about the possible lockout 
situation and duly advised to explicitly enable remote root login in 

(Just a thought)

thanks, in my multiple re installs, I can live with the following:

an user prompt to create a user account and press no
setting an one more option in kickstart to prevent create  a user account
and change myself the ssh default to permit rootlogin to yes

but not with:

creating a user account by default
logging with that account,
change the sshd default to yes
logging with root
delete the user account
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