On 12/09/2014 09:20 AM, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
On Mon, 2014-12-08 at 17:08 -0430, Robert Marcano wrote:
Adding to that, this decision bring me memories to the awful old case
when someone decided that the install anything from the repositories
permitted to any user on the system by default, that was reverted
an update because of the outrage

That IS still permitted in both Fedora 20 and Fedora 21. No
authentication is required to install via PackageKit (e.g. with GNOME
Software for apps, or pkcon for packages).

No this is only for users that at install time or later are added as Administrators, that old bug (I saw on another email that was on Fedora 12) was for everyone. the excuse, "we have no implemented that user distinction, so for now it will be open to all", or something like that. Sounds to me like the kind of defense to this change: "No one has implemented something better, so we will open ports"

I think that when we fall for the disable security measures because we have no better UI for now, We will never have a better UI because no one will build one for something that is already open

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