On Tue Dec 16 2014 at 9:09:59 PM Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>

> Fresh installation of Fedora 21 Workstation, accepting defaults, I
> then reboot and notice the following contents of /var/cache, filtering
> out things not relevant for this discussion (which also happen to not
> change between the three states).
> Starting point right after installation:
> [root@localhost cache]# du -sh *
> 16K dnf
> 85M PackageKit
> 4.0K yum
> Login, wait for ~ 1/2 hour:
> [root@localhost cache]# du -sh *
> 94M dnf
> 446M PackageKit
> 4.0K yum
> That's 455MB of silently downloaded data, by default. Upon doing a yum
> upgrade, but rejecting the actual upgrade:
> [root@localhost cache]# du -sh *
> 94M dnf
> 446M PackageKit
> 137M yum
> There  is some problems in your numbes, not everything in cache is
downloaded. In the dnf case only a repomd.xml (one for each repo, <5K) is
download every time metadata cache is expired, and only changed metadata
will be downloaded (repodata/*.xml.gz), the Fedora repo dont change, so it
is only downloaded once, Updates is composed once every day, so it will
only be downloaded one a day.
Rest of the content of cache/dnf is generated from the unpacked metadata,
so the size of the directory don't tell any thing about how much metadata
is downloaded and how often.

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