On Thu, 2015-01-22 at 11:30 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:

> > > Penalize in what sense? 
> > In the sense, that in addition to packaging something new you have to
> > review something else in order to get your new package in. If reviewing
> > is voluntary it should affect every packager the same, not just the ones
> > who bring new packages.
> I think there's another aspect here which hasn't been mentioned.
> Generally, Fedora's policy compliance mechanisms are based on _initial
> gating_. That is, we have a really strict package review, but once a
> package is in, you can deviate from the guidelines like crazy and we
> have no ongoing process to catch that, and only ad-hoc approaches for
> correcting something gone really wrong.
> Basically, once a package is in, we rely on trust in its maintainer.
> And, this extends a step out to package maintainers themselves — we
> have a high initial bar to getting a package in, but once you're
> sponsored, we assign a great deal of trust.
> So, in some respects, the incredibly painful process works
> _intentionally_ to weed out contributors who aren't serious enough to
> get over that hurdle, on the theory that those who do stay and surmount
> it have earned a certain level of project merit and trust.

I understand, and I agree in principle with that. However, the issue
here is not that there are strict or conflicting reviews. The main issue
is that it is difficult to get any reviews.


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