Am 30.01.2015 um 14:03 schrieb Casey Jao:
Currently dnf and yum have their own yumdb's, under /var/lib/dnf/yumdb
and /var/lib/yum/yumdb respectively.  Among other things, these
databases record whether a package was explicitly installed by the user
or pulled in automatically as a dependency of another package. This
information is used by the "dnf autoremove" and "yum autoremove"
routines to determine which additional packages can be safely removed.
As Packagekit currently writes to yum's yumdb, "dnf autoremove" will not
work correctly when run on packages that were installed using Gnome
software, and vice versa.

Thus we should consider merging the yumdb's as part of the F22
transition to a unified dnf/hawkey package management backend

one of the million reasons why "dnf" should renamed back to "yum" after it is final and replaces the old yum

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