Josh Boyer wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Neal Becker <> wrote:
>> Some time back there was discussion of being able to rollback yum updates via
>> btrfs snapshotting.  As I recall, it turned out that the default btrfs
>> install was not setup correctly to make this feasible (I had briefly tested
>> it on my
>> machine).  I haven't heard anything since - this seems like a great idea.
> Well, yum is being retired in favor of dnf and btrfs still isn't the
> default filesystem because it still isn't stable enough.  So that's
> basically what happened.
> Now, it is possible to do this in dnf (either with btrfs or with dm
> snapshots) but I'm not aware of anyone working on it.  Fedora has the
> Snapper tool available in the repos, which could do snapshotting
> outside of dnf as well.
> josh

My recollection was that snapshots on btrfs worked, but it was difficult to 
really do the rollback because the snapshots were stored inside the root as a 
subtree, or something to this effect - and that to work nicely the original 
btrfs install needed to be done differently?

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