W dniu 08.04.2015 o 11:05, drago01 pisze:
> We do have dep solvers otherwise no one would notice that a dep is
> broken ever. (like libsolv + hawkey).
> So what bodhi should do is to ask "has this package all dependencies
> satisfied with base + updates + other packages in this push" for every
> package in the push.
> If the answer is "no" for a package cancel the push; remove it;
> restart and only push the once that has satisfied deps.
> Report the failed once to the maintainers so that they can fix it.

When I was Debian/Ubuntu developer it was easy. Pbuilder had hooks and
one of them in my setup was "once built, install all resulting packages".

This way as a developer I could check are results usable. Not found
something like that in mock.
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