Once upon a time, Jason L Tibbitts III <ti...@math.uh.edu> said:
> >>>>> "MC" == Matěj Cepl <mc...@cepl.eu> writes:
> MC> Cutting up texlive monster piece by piece seems like rather lousy
> MC> idea to me.
> I honestly don't see why.  Surely fixing some of it is better than
> fixing none of it.  And fixing some of it shows us how to fix the rest
> of it.

Each time a small piece is sliced out of the giant package, the giant
package must also be rebuilt to exclude that piece.  That's a lot of
churn on a giant package with a massive number of subpackages; it would
be better to batch up pulling out lots of pieces at once.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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