On 08/24/2015 05:38 AM, W. Michael Petullo wrote:
> I am interested in packaging the Graylog2 log analysis platform for
> Fedora. I have created a number of Fedora packages in the past, but I
> am a novice when it comes to packaging Java.

Java packaging HOWTO [1] may be useful. For specific questions you can
write to java-devel mailing list or ask on #fedora-java.

> When I try to build my Graylog2 package, rpmbuild warns me that a number
> of dependencies are missing from the package specification (see below).
> I can build Graylog2 by hand using Maven, but of course this downloads
> the requisite files to ~/.m2.

In Fedora we use a Maven extension (XMvn) which, among other things,
tells Maven to use packaged dependencies instead of downloading them
from remote repositories.

> There is also at least one case of a package in Fedora which is
> incompatible with the API version Graylog2 expects (okhttp). Isn't this
> API-versioning mess common in Java? I vaguely recall there are a number
> of tools to help manage this. How does Fedora expect package managers
> to deal with this?

In short:
- update library to latest version
- port dependant packages to newer versions of API if needed
- send patches upstream
- if patching is not feasible, create compat package

> Is there a way to include these JAR files in the package, or is it
> necessary to get each of these included as a Fedora package?

Currently all dependencies must be packaged as RPMs and available in Fedora.

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/released/javapackages/doc/

Mikolaj Izdebski
Software Engineer, Red Hat
IRC: mizdebsk
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