On 01/11/2016 01:11 PM, Kalev Lember wrote:
> Another thing that would probably be worth doing as part of this effort
> is making sure that all the apps you've identified as important to the
> Astronomy spin, to make sure all those apps show up nicely in the
> software center applications.
> gnome-software has a browsable Education->Astronomy category where all
> the astronomy related apps should show up. Can you check that everything
> is showing up correctly there and that they all have nice screenshots
> and descriptions?

The most graphical applications are already there (e.g. Celestia and

> Any work done here is going to directly benefit the KDE software center
> app as well, as I know the proposal owner is a KDE user.
I would have done that even without a benefit to KDE. Everything
improving users experience is welcome ;)

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